06/02/2024 04:08:30 pm

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Stephen Chow’s Mermaid Makes History, Becomes Highest Grossing Chinese Movie Ever


(Photo : ) Stephen Chow's Mermaid has made history as the highest grossing movie in China's box office history.

Director Stephen Chow's fantasy comedy movie Mermaid grossed 2.45 billion Yuan ($375.6 million) by early Friday evening, making history as the highest-grossing film ever in Chinese box office history.

This distinction was previously held by Raman Hui's Monster Hunt, which collected 2.439 billion Yuan ($374 million) in over two months last year. The movie had toppled Furious 7's box office record of 2.426 billion Yuan ($372 million).                 

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Mermaid's box office feat is far more impressive given that it took only 12 days to rake in 2.45 billion Yuan. Chow's comedy film is all but sure to cross the $400 million mark this weekend.

Monster Hunt's producers did not shy away from conveying their congratulation to Stephen Chow. They wrote on the movie's official Weibo account "Congratulations Mermaid! Congratulations Stephen!"

U.S. movie buffs will also get to check out the latest Chinese block buster as Sony Pictures is all set to release the movie this weekend in nearly in 33 theaters.      

The movie has already generated incredible interest and buzz in the Chinese diaspora.

The other two Chinese films that were released during China's Lunar New Year's Day holiday The Monkey King 2 and The Man From Macau 3 continue their strong run on the Chinese box office.

Although both movies are far behind Mermaid in terms of box office numbers, but have been huge hits in their own rights. Monkey King 2 has reportedly collected $147.6 million, while The Man From Macau 3 earned $145.9 million.

All the three movies got a huge boost during China's New Year holiday period, which is traditionally considered to be best time for the release of big budget Chinese movies.                 

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