06/18/2024 07:41:24 am

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Wang Xiaoshuai, Director Of 'Red Amnesia' Pleads Support To Movie

Wang Xiaoshuai

(Photo : via Wikimedia Commons)

Chinese director Wang Xiaoshuai, pleaded to the public to help support his recent movie, 'Red Amnesia' after a poor performance at the Box Office, according to China Entertainment News.

'Red Amnesia' only garnered 1.32 percent of China's 23,600 theaters on its premiere, which is only equal to 800,000 Yuan in sales at the box office, according to the Entgroup.

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"I believe I have made a great film and China's film market should accommodate different genres, but the severity of reality and the tiny number of screenings have gone beyond my imagination," said Wang, in an official statement released via Weibo.

"Please support me," he further added, urging moviegoers to watch his films in full support. The Director has high hopes that some people would opt to see different films than the blockbuster hits.

However, the highly acclaimed film earned a high score of 8.1 out 10 in Mtime, a Chinese movie site.  'Red Amnesia' scored slightly below 'Fast And Furious 7', who earned the title of becoming China's top grossing film of all time.

Wang's appeal to promote the movie more emphasized the problems of arthouse films in China. The local movies are minimized to make way for blockbuster and 3D films.

Wang started out as an employee under the PRC studio system before venturing into directing his own movie.

His first film was the independent film, 'The Days' and starred two of Wang's friends. The film was highly received by critics overseas but caused a huge controversy among the Chinese authorities, leading to suspension of six other filmmakers.

'Beijing Bicycle' was his first movie that catapulted him into international success. It earned the Silver Bear Jury Grand Prix at the Berlin Film Festival. His other works include, 'In Love We Trust' and '11 Flowers, which also earned several awards at film festivals.

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