09/20/2024 06:14:20 pm

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Second Diver Dies In Search For Remaining Bodies From Sewol Ferry Tragedy


(Photo : Reuters) Multiple ships involved in recovering bodies from the sunken Sewol ferry.

A diver scouring the waters for unrecovered bodies from the sunken South Korean ferry has died after an accident on Friday.

The coast guard said that the man was the second diver who has died searching for the remaining 16 bodies from the sunken Sewol ferry. The coast guard also added that a car believed to be owned by a fugitive businessman and linked to the ship was reported to have been located.

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The diver was bleeding and unconscious after being pulled to the surface. He was then rushed to the hospital where he later died, said the coast guard official. The effort to recover missing bodies came after 45 days the ferry sunk on April 16.

The Sewol ferry was recorded to have sailed even though it was overloaded with passengers. It was moving too fast when it turned and sank off while sailing from Incheon to Jeju Island. The tragedy has taken the lives of children and teachers who were on a school trip.

The ferry was estimated to have 476 passengers including the crew on board but only 172 people were rescued. On the other hand, 288 bodies have been recovered and since May 21, no new bodies were found.

On Friday, the families of the 16 unrecovered bodies expressed unbearable pain of not having their loved ones found.

A representative for the grieving families Bae Eui-cheol said that it has been 45 days and the remaining unrecovered bodies are still missing. He also added that the families are still hoping they can see their missing loved ones.

Meanwhile, authorities are still looking for the head of the family, Yoo byung-un, who operates the Sewol. A bounty of US$500,000 has been offered in exchange for any information leading to his whereabouts.

Charges have already been filed against Yoo byung-un for tax evasion, fraud and negligence.

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